Send a Kind Compliment to Someone Special on Valentine’s Day

According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary one of the definitions of the word Valentine is “a sweetheart chosen or complimented on Valentine's Day”.  Although Valentine’s Day is traditionally dedicated to partners, husbands and wives, we can all think of someone who is a “special” part of our lives and use this day to send them a compliment and express what we “LOVE” about them.

It could be the way they make your laugh or feel……the way they have supported you through these unusual times, or the way they provide a listening ear and valuable advice when needed. 

During this lockdown period many of us have been separated from our friends, family and loved ones so now is the ideal time to send someone an e-card to tell them how much you miss and appreciate them and are looking forward to connecting again.

Send someone special a Complimentary Kindness postcard and make their day………………
